Saturday, June 9, 2012


The waterfront at Torun looks, and is, pleasant enough. But the atmosphere inside the town was sadly blighted by the various tribes from the balmy armies chanting monosyllabic football anthems. I think, hope that most of the Irish contingent are moving on today to inflict themselves on Poznan, west of here. At first I thought the ones in the dormitory were pretty civilized but after two days of almost continuous drinking, their moods changed. About 5 o'clock this morning when they returned from wherever they had been, a fight nearly broke out between two of them. Glad this lot has gone. Only one more night and I head for Wroclaw. Got some misgivings about that but I am almost sure that the hostel there only has a maximum of 4 in each room and I'm only there for 2 nights. However, I had heard of these supporters wandering like displaced armies and they really seem to behave like armies. Dress code seemed of great importance while they decided, jeans versus shorts, and all that to go out and trash themselves in some of the many bars in this small town. 

I cant honestly say this experience has come as a revelation but it certainly confirmed my suspicions. 

This massive bridge to the station is about a kilometre long

Not many locks but they're here too!
Just had a thought, think I might try to cancel the second night in Wroclaw. D