Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Its my last day here in Gdansk. Feeling rather lazy, I decided to limit my activity to a stroll along the beach which lies about 20 minutes from the hostel. I have been to a Baltic beach before, when in Riga, and this one here is no different. Lots of good quality golden sand at the edge of a flat landscape. Even the coast here reminded me of what I remember of the Jurmala area, near Riga, with houses and cafes set in the woods behind the beach. I suspect the smooth cycling track passing behind the low wooded sand dunes goes for miles, from Kaliningrad to who knows where. Easy biking.

Gdansk shipyard cranes in the distance
Anyway, the stroll turned into a three hour hike as far as Sopot and back through a large park that begins just up the road from the hostel. I may have explained before that the Tricity comprises of Gdansk, Sopot and Gydnia, which is a port, and Sopot, a popular holiday destination with people from Warsaw. 

Looking towards Sopot
Nothing spectacular but a relaxing place where you can escape the crowds so I recorded this while I was wondering which way to go next.

To finish this blog, here's a couple of pictures along the way. D